Friday, October 19, 2018

Why music matters




Manteca High School

Band Program





Why music matters




Raising teenagers can be hard. Experts say that the two periods of greatest growth are between 0-6 months and 13-17 years. In high school, we want to help students grow cognitively and emotionally, which is what makes music so important.

Several recent studies have found that when students experience emotion while learning, they develop deeper levels of understanding. Specifically, scientists are learning that positive emotions tend to help us remember more complex things.

In short, feeling good helps to create learning, which is one of the many reasons music education is so important to our nation's schools and your child.

It's not just the "what" we teach in music, but the "how" we teach it...with joy. With silliness. And, yes, with love. Music provides a safe, fun, engaging atmosphere where all students can find success.

Did you know that children who study music:

·        Have larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills.

·        Are more likely to excel in all of their courses.

·        Score higher on the ACT and SAT than their non-musical counterparts.

·        Report the lowest current and lifetime use of all substances (tobacco, alcohol, and drugs).

·        Show different brain development and improved memory over the course of a year, compared to those who do not receive musical training.

·        Demonstrate improved attention span, ability to make predictions and memory

·        Attend school and graduate at higher rates


These are but a few of the examples as to why music matters. It matters not just because of the "what" we teach, but because of the "how" we teach it.

I'm excited to have your child involved in music this year. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to let me know.


Anthony Dahl
Manteca High School


450 E. Yosemite Ave., Manteca, CA 95336




Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Band Handbook

Please read the Band Handbook using this link.

After you have read the handbook, return the consent form and permission slip that was sent home with your band student.

Thank you!
Mr. Dahl & Mr. Marchetti